African Sex Stories | Mature +18 Stories in April 2025

Going Nova – S01 E03

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 3

Going Nova – S01 E03





She was unaware that she was practically panting until her father pointed it out. “Honey, you’re breathing really hard right now. Are you feeling well?” She didn’t know how to answer that. Truthfully, she was feeling better than she ever had in her life. She just wasn’t sure how she should handle it. She closed her mouth and said, “No, I’m fine. I’m just feeling really hot right now.”



“Well, we can take care of that pretty easily.” With that, he hit the button to lower the front-side windows. The wind came blasting through the car, whipping their clothing and hair all around. With her sensitive nerve endings, Brie felt like fire was coursing through her as her hair streaked across her face and her shirt rippled across her chest. She could barely stand the pleasure she was feeling and she moaned aloud. She was frantic, unable to think straight, and nearly in hysterics. She slammed her finger onto the automatic window button to raise it back again and caught her breath.

Her dad noticed her despair. “What’s the matter, kiddo?”


“It’s just,” she stopped to catch her breath, “the wind is too much.” She didn’t know what else to say.


“Okay, well how about the AC, then?” He flipped the switch and frigid air came blasting out onto her face and upper chest. It, too, caused unpleasantly pleasant sensations against her skin. Brie whimpered weakly and flipped the vent up so that it wasn’t blowing directly upon her skin. Being out of the direct stream of air gave her some respite from her stimulated nerve endings, and the chilly air did seem to help cool her temperature down, if only a little bit. The seatbelt was still a problem, though. She reached down and hit the button to unbuckle herself.


“Brie, you have to ride with a seatbelt. It’s the law”


“I know, Dad, It’s just…” She paused, fidgeting uncontrollably. What was she going to say? That she was nearly hysterical with unexplainable pleasure and it was all she could think about right now? And her seatbelt and clothing and seemingly everything around her were the cause of all of it? She was feeling a little bit desperate.



“Yes honey?”


“I know this sounds weird. But… I feel so hot right now. I’m sweating and the AC is on…”

“What’s wrong, kiddo?”


“I don’t know.” Brie lamented, “I think I’m just overheating. Do you think… She paused again, sure that her father would be Incredulous at her request. Or worse. He stopped at a stop sign and turned and looked her in the eyes. She knew she had to pull out all of her tricks to get her way. She turned her eyes upward to meet his. “Daddy?” she bit her lower lip.



Warrick blushed. He knew she was going for the gold whenever she called him daddy. He reached over and brushed the hair out of her eyes. He thought she might have shuddered at his touch. “Yes, kiddo?”


“Oh daddy, I’m just so hot! I just want to take my shirt off,” the young girl blurted out. “Can I do that? Just while we’re in the car?”


Warrick’s eyes went wide. This was not a request he was expecting. He was not so concerned about seeing Brie topless-he had seen her in various states of undress around the house several times throughout her life-but she had never been quite this blatant before. Especially in a semi-public environment like his car. He didn’t know what to make of it. He knew that this was a potentially embarrassing situation to be caught in, but he also admitted that he was proud that she still trusted him to ask tough questions like this. Brie looked desperate, almost in pain. He wondered if he should tum around right now and just let her sleep off whatever this was. There was a small part of him that also admitted that this kind of taboo behavior was quite adventurous. She must get this from her mom, he thought to himself.


“Daddy?” She reinforced her request.



He smiled gently, “Sure honey, go ahead.” Not a second later, the billowing top was over her head, revealing the upper half of his daughter to him in what felt like a totally novel way. Her small breasts were almost shining red and her nipples were jutting out like he’d never noticed before. But he was especially shocked when, almost as if without thinking, Brie also unbuttoned her jeans, undid the zipper, and spread open the fly of her pants, exposing her lace panties. He had questioned his wife when she bought them for their daughter. She merely said that Brie was old enough to have them.



Brie leaned back and sighed deeply, throwing her glistening arms over her head.



The whole situation was enough to distract Warrick from the fact that Brie still wasn’t wearing her seatbelt. They started driving again, but again the vibrations of the road continued to cast their spell on her. She squirmed, sighed, crossed her legs, and then uncrossed them, then crossed them again. Her legs slid together and apart and for the first time she noted that her thighs were really slick. Was she sweating extra hard down there? It certainly didn’t smell like sweat.



Warrick noticed her fidgeting and asked, “Are you sure you don’t have a fever?”


She couldn’t make eye contact with her father. Not right now. “This doesn’t feel like any fever I’ve had before,” she replied weakly, staring out the side window. Any time he hit a big bump, she would stifle a moan.



Her dad noticed this, too, though he pretended he didn’t. He decided to test what he was hearing, so he drifted the car toward the edge of the road. There were pop-up reflectors there, which caused an especially strong vibration. Brie bit the back of her hand and lifted her ass up off the seat a bit. Warrick continued pretending not to notice.



All the while, Brie was feeling completely out of control of her body. Every excruciating bump, and every vibration threatened to send her mind off into madness. She began to wonder if her dad noticed her squirming-if he was riding over the big bumps on purpose-but she was too focused on protecting herself from the out-of-control sensations to be able to call him out on it.




At long last, he pulled up to the drop-off spot for her school. She had made it, but she still had the rest of the day to look forward to with whatever this was bursting out from inside of her. She reluctantly zipped up her jeans and put her shirt back on, leaned over and kissed her dad on the cheek, and then got out of the car and waved him off. She stood there for five minutes, with her eyes closed, shuddering, doing her best not to move at all. She prayed that the sensations would die down enough for her to concentrate.



Finally, she decided to move, and the situation was indeed better. But It barely lasted. Like a wound not given enough time to heal, the feelings emanating from her nipples into her chest, and the firecrackers lighting up inside of her jeans, began to quickly grow once more. She was already late, so thankfully the halls were empty. She was hobbling with pleasure through them to get to her class, whimpering and biting her hand to stifle moans. At last, she found the right room and she practically staggered past her classmates into a seat in the very back. Her entire body was sweating, her white shirt was becoming transparent with moisture, her legs were dripping wet, and she was almost certain everybody around her could smell the musky smell she was giving off,

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